Maritel Centurion
Guest Teacher
Ms Centurion has taught ballet, pointe, Spanish, pilates and body conditioning at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School since 2001. She has also served as a coaching assistant for the children participating in RWB’s Nutcracker production. Ms Centurion has worked in the RWB School Satellite program, Recreational Division, the Professional Division and the Aspirant program and continues to do so. Before coming to the RWB School, Ms Centurion had several years of professional dancing in Argentina and had taught in the Junior Recreational Division of the National Ballet School and the Quinte Ballet School in Ontario.  Ms Centurion has collaborated and performed in an extensive number of dance productions as a freelance performer in Ontario and in Winnipeg. As a member of Tango Silhouette, she performed with Metatango in Quebec tours, at the Museum of Civilization and at the Argentinean Embassy. She also performed at the 2004 Canada Dance Festival as part of a collaborative work with Claire Marchand and Theatre Flamenco.  Ms Centurion holds a Teaching Diploma from the National Ballet School of Canada, a Stott Pilates Certificate, an Associate Diploma in the Cecchetti method of ballet, and has completed studies in National Dances ISTD up to an Advanced level along with extensive studies in all aspects of Spanish dance. Always committed to endless learning, she continues to seek further studies in the teaching of classical ballet, Pilates and in Spanish and Flamenco dance.  Ms Centurion attended the 2010 Cecchetti National Conference as a professional development opportunity. In addition to that, she also travelled to the UK to work on her teaching skills of Flamenco and Classical Spanish dance with international figures of the art form. She is looking forward to bring inspiration and much enjoyment in the learning of Spanish dance.  Over the years she has choreographed for film, theatre productions and vocational schools and she is a member of the Dancers Transition Resource Centre , ACTRA and the Sociedad de Danza Española.